Monday 12 April 2010

sleeep.... how i do love sleeeeep!

I would like to officially announce that my little girl Phoebe Rose is now sleeping in her bed all night by herself and without wetting it! Im so proud of her! She only showed signs of wanting to potty train about 2 months ago even though we have kept the potty in her sights for a year now! Everytime we put her on the potty she would scream so loud she was really scared of it so we didn't push her to go on it, one day she just decided to sit on it and do a pee to our amazement! we gave her so much praise that from that moment on she has sat on the potty to do her business and everytime we here a magnificent 'TADA' that comes from the bathroom to announce her achievements in the potty...hilarious!
      We have had sleep problems over the last couple of years as she co-slept with us downside being it was extremely difficult to get her into her own room and bed, and two months later we have had no day or night accidents and a very happy well slept toddler.....and mummy and daddy who no longer have to get up in the night to return her to her is bliss! My new baby Miles is six months and unlike Phoebe sleeps in his own cot in our room and only comes into our bed to have a breastfeed and then hes back in his own bed so i can only hope it will stay like this, im so proud of my babies!

Friday 9 April 2010

the green green garden

What a glorious day its been in sunny old England today, it feels like spring to me now and beautiful flowers are everywhere - until my 2 year old picks them! We love vegetables in our house, well me and Phoebe do, my son Miles will soon enough as he is being weaned soon but my husband still wouldn't eat them if they were pureed, tasted of beer and smothered over a beautiful models body! He does however love to have a go at growing them which we have been doing for the last couple of years, we have helped out on my father in laws allotment but this year we are taking things into our own hands and growing on our garden...i feel confident it will go well! We have some small plants we have grown from seed ready to go out soon including peas, carrots, butternut squash and a rather (i hope) impressive hanging basket with tiny tomatoes! We tried onions, garlic and herbs last year which did well.....oh and not forgetting the all important pumpkin! My daughter Phoebe loved getting involved last year on the allotment and shes even more keen this year, i really think she is understanding how things grow now having planted them from seed and watching the tiny shoots sprout everyday and not to mention a rather striking looking fellow called mr grasshead who has taken up residence on my window sill, she gets up everyday so excited to see if his hair has grown and to give him a little drink! These pictures are of last year on the allotment but i will post some soon of us gardening this year!